Well I had my baby on Feb 18th, 12 days before my due date and it was
my birthday! I am very happy to report that I had a great labor and
delivery experience.
On Feb 17th I went to the doctor and she told me that I was 2-2.5cm
and 80-90 percent effaced. I was really surprised and started to
prepare for an early arrival. At 3am that night I started to have
contractions. I tried to sleep between them for the next two hours and
then finally got out of bed at 5am to watch some TV and use my
vocalizing and squating skills to help get through the contractions.
At 7am I told my husband that I was definitely in labor and should
prepare to take our son to daycare so we could go to the hospital. We
had breakfast and my son was a little alarmed by my vocalizing so I
started to laugh through the contractions. He thought it was a fun
game because I would laugh every 2-3 minutes. It did work though. When
we finally arrived at the hospital I was 6cm. The doctor said
everything looked good for a VBAC. Once I got into a room I got an
epidural at around 10am and then they broke my water at Noon. Soon
after I progressed quickly and at 2:15p I started pushing. Though I
really wanted a VBAC I was uncertain if my body was capable. My doctor
and husband were fantastic!!!! They motivated me and encouraged me the
whole way and at 3:02pm my son was born :) He weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and
was 20 inches long. We named him Edward Robert, but we call him Eddie.
I am so proud of myself for having fulfilled my goal of a VBAC. I feel
great and am so thankful for the positive experience. My new son gave
me such a wonderful gift. I hope more woman will try for a VBAC and
not be persuaded to go the c-section route just because you had to
have one once. It is great to know that I am part of a club of
birthing warriors.
Thanks Shelley for all your guidance and invaluable skills. I could
not have done this without the training you put me through all those
Saturday mornings.
1 comment:
Yoga course
Human mind, in its evolutionary process, has been cleared by light of consciousness, creating systems which purpose is the improvement of human condition.
Circumstances, sometimes, determine geographic location where these systems appear more clearly to the world. So, Yoga finds in India the historical location of its birth, being then imprisoned in religious culture of this Country. This becomes determining to purposes of researcher, who, today, must necessarily pass through Indian culture to understand the purpose and to use techniques that create the system of “liberation” called Yoga. When I say “liberation” I mean liberation from the yoke of human suffering, but for a Hindu it also represents the way to free himself of cycle of samsara or of re-births tightly tied to distorted view of senses that impedes the dissolution of union with suffering and the access to knowledge of absolute oneself.
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