Beth was my student for at least six months of her pregnancy. She also took classes with Liza at the hospital, she was as stong as a birthing woman could possibly be! She labored beautifully and was a true BIRTH WARRIOR!
So on Friday, November 13th, I started feeling contractions but they
were only about 6-8 minutes apart at around 6am. I didn't really
think anything of it so I just kept my mind off, made breakfast for
Tim, cleaned the kitchen, and made some coconut macaroons for the
hopstial staff (just in case today was the day). About 1pm I noticed
the contractions were getting to be more like 5 min apart, so I
started keeping track more consistently and by 1:30 they were getting
to be about 3-5 min. Tim gets home and we head off to the hospital.
On the way there, I seriously didn't know what was happening as the
contractions were getting stronger and stronger, I yelled at him
because he was only going 65 mph, um he's never obeyed the speed limit
so why NOW? Hospital was only 15 min away, but it felt like an hour.
So we got admitted about 3:15pm and I was in the delivery room, in my
gown by 3:30pm when they did my first check and I was already at 5-6
cm. I was like FAB that's what I was planning on...because my goal
was to have a natural birth! By 4:30 it seemed I was getting
contractions about every 2 min, so they checked again and I was still
at 5-6 cm. I asked the nurse to give me an estimated timeframe and she
said I would think you can have this baby delivered in another 4
hours. But then the next hour was INSANE, I kept having contractions
one on top of each other, and I felt like I was in this out of body
experience...I'm not going to lie, but the pain was unbearable and I
thought how can I go on like this for another 3 hours? So that's when
I looked at Tim and told him "I'm sorry, but I'm going to ask for the
epidural, I don't think I can take this". He and my mother in law
being the wonderful people they are, told me there was nothing to be
sorry about and the most important thing is for me to deliver a
healthy baby.
So the anestetheologist comes in at 5:30 and starts performing the
lowest dosage. I was having contractions while he was performing the
epidural and keeping still was not an easy thing. As soon as it was
performed they checked me and I was already at 10cm!!!!!!!!!! That's
when I got pissed and said OMG if I would have known I was at 10 I
wouldn't have asked for the epidural! So I had to just get over it
and concentrate on what my OB was telling me. She said for me to
start pushing but they had to tell me when, because I couldn't feel
any of the contractions at that time because of the epidural. By the
way my OB wasn't even on call that day, but she made it my delivery
after seeing all her patients...she even had dinner plans with her
husband...so I told her "Dr. Gunnarson, I really appreciate you being
here and I will not make you late for your dinner reservation at 8pm".
I started pushing about 5:30pm and at 6:14pm, Timothy Michael
Gosselin II arrived!!! 7lb 6 oz 19inches. I was so surprised at his
weight but so grateful because I thought I was going to deliver a 10lb
baby because of the gestational diabetes. I am also grateful that this
baby granted my wish and labored naturally because I didn't want to be
induced. They had scheduled me to go in on the evening of the 15th to
be induced since he was a GD baby and was 1 week late.
Anyways, baby is doing well, he's so cute...he looks like his daddy
and I can't wait for all of you to meet him. I also want to give a
shout out to my yoga instructors Liza and Shelley and also to our
birthing instructor, Dianne...thank you so much for your guidance!
And to my girlfriends, thank you for all your love and support!
Beth, Tim and Baby Timmy

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