When My husband and I started talking about having a child, I had wanted to be able to have a natural childbirth if possible. I had even changed physicians because my OBGYN had wanted to do a c-section from the beginning. My road to becoming pregnant was long in many ways because I was diagnosed with a Bicournate Uterus and Endometriosis years before even meeting my husband. I had several surgeries to correct what they could and to remove the Endometriosis. I had also been on several medications including a drug study to try and control my Endometriosis over the years with no relief of symptoms. I was given bleak odds by several OB's and went on a search. I am a nurse so I asked around to find a good doctor, which I did. From our first meeting she was much more optimistic about my odds of getting pregnant and sustaining a pregnancy. I was still at a high risk for a preterm infant but I decided that I was going to have positive thoughts about getting pregnant. One of the best thing that my doctor told me was that she could see no reason for me not to have a natural childbirth after reviewing all of my medical records ( which is like a bible).
Well low and behold we got pregnant after only a few months of trying, I was in shock!!!!!! I decided that I would continue with my Yoga which was good for my physical and mental well being. I loved going to class and also took up water aerobics and walking my dog to try and keep in shape to help with labor. My pregnancy was fairly easy except for a little nausea in the beginning and some hip pain in the second trimester. All of my Doctors appointments went well and they said that he was strong and that I looked good. I started to have a lot of Braxton Hicks contraction in my third trimester and I decided to take it easy and listen to my body. My husband started walking the dog and I was counting down the weeks for my maternity leave.
The day of the c-section was here and I was as nervous as can be, I could hardly sleep and was so thirsty and hungry. Even with all my planning it was still one of the biggest days and I was worried about if Jackson would be healthy and if I would be a good mother. That is the downside of planning... no turning back. I did some Yoga breathing that morning and downloaded some George Winston on my ipod to help keep me relaxed because even though I was not going through labor I wanted a positive and calm experience. the birth of my son was fairly uneventful it went like clockwork and 2 hours after I had checked in on that Sunday morning I was the mother of a beautiful baby son Jackson Thaddeus Mann 7 pounds 19.5 inches. We were able to hold him while they finished closing me up and I was able to breast feed him within an hour and a half after he was born. He was a champ and didn't know that that was the way he was supposed to come out. My husband was even able to be in the delivery room ( there was a drape so he just kept focusing on me). I look back and think how lucky I am to have a healthy and happy baby and for me I will never regret how he came out because the import thing is he did come out and he was healthy.

I don't know what I'll do if I get pregnant again but my doctor has already said I can try for a Vaginal delivery but after my last experience I might ponder that for awhile.
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