Yoga- Sanskrit word meaning to yoke
Hatha Yoga is “yoking” or “Uniting Effort with Surrender”
Allowing your body to let go and birth naturally requires a tremendous amount of trust. Trust in your body, trust in your birth attendants, trust in your partner, trust in a divine force. The more aware you are of your body and of your birthing choices, the better able you are to “let go” and let the natural process of childbirth unfold.
We live in a world where our minds dominate nearly all that we do. In the practice of yoga, the goal is to get the mind out of the way, and connect with our higher purpose. The way to do this is by focusing on the breath and staying deeply aware of how our body is receiving each pose. This is also true for childbirth. Connecting with our breath and trusting our body’s wisdom will help us manage the pain and remain present in the moment.
Questioning the path you take is very natural, it’s part of the deep soul searching that leads you to your truth. If you listen to your heart and align your birthing choices with what feels right for you, you are able to release fears and feel confident that your birth experience will be a positive one. This confidence must first be grounded in trust. The trust and confidence that you feel leads to a sense of security. Trust is very liberating, it leads to surrender. When you are able to surrender in labor, your body will naturally guide you along the way to the next level. Consciously trusting the choices you have made and preparations you have undertaken will free you up so that you can experience childbirth as a beautiful right of passage for yourself and baby.
Trust also means accepting the unknown element of childbirth and realizing that whatever the outcome, natural birth or not, it's all divine.
Check to make sure that you feel trust in all of these areas:
¨ Trust in yourself, that you have adequately prepared your mind, body and soul for birth.
¨ Trust in your birth partner and birth attendants. You feel confident that they also honor and support the natural process of birth. Also, trust in their ability to intervene when appropriate.
¨ Trust in your body’s natural wisdom.
¨ Trust your internal power.
¨ Trust in a Divine Force flowing through you and baby.
Once you are able to embrace trust on every level you will have the confidence and courage to let your mind go and allow the natural process of birth to unfold.
I surrender to each rush and trust my body’s wisdom.
I let go.
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